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The latest from our team

Alison McDonald
3 min read
How To Read Dialogically With Your Child
Dialogic reading. Perhaps you’ve come across this word while reading through articles and websites and have wondered what it means. At...

Alison McDonald
4 min read
My Child is Anxious. How Can I Help?
Anxiety is increasingly common in today’s fast-paced world. Often, we can think of stress and anxiety as things that only adults struggle...

Alison McDonald
3 min read
10 Strategies to Help Your Late Talker
A ‘Late Talker’ is a child whose speech and language skills aren’t developing in line with their peers. Usually these children are...

Alison McDonald
4 min read
Refining Social Skills
Week 1: Look at me when I’m talking! Communication is not only about what is spoken. In fact, more than half of what we communicate is...
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