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The latest from our team

Alison McDonald
2 min read
How Can We Make Reading Time More Engaging?
There’s a difference between simply reading words off a page to your child, and engaging them in the story. What is interactive reading?...

Alison McDonald
2 min read
What On Earth Is Decontextualised Language, and Why Is It So Important?
Early on, a child’s language is mainly based around their current environment. Conversations are usually focused on topics such as daily...

Alison McDonald
2 min read
An Overlooked Toy for Language Development…
One of the most underrated toys that we have to play with our children is one that is adaptable, portable, free and most importantly a...

Alison McDonald
4 min read
Refining Social Skills
Week 1: Look at me when I’m talking! Communication is not only about what is spoken. In fact, more than half of what we communicate is...

Alison McDonald
2 min read
Recasting and why you need to learn it!
This is the last blog in our series on speech development in children. See what other topics we’ve covered to learn more. As we have...

Alison McDonald
3 min read
Getting Right What We Say!
Week 1: “You” Messages This month we’re taking some time to think about some of the things that ‘Big People’ say. The reality is, that...

Alison McDonald
3 min read
Getting Ready for Reading
Ready for Reading – Put your feet up and enjoy a book. One of the major ways that children learn is through watching others. They copy...

Alison McDonald
2 min read
This is the third instalment in our series of blogs on children’s speech. Check out our previous blogs on Speech Sound Development and...

Alison McDonald
3 min read
Planning and Preparing for Preschool
Week 1: What’s for lunch? Starting preschool can be a stressful time for our youngsters. There is a new routine to adapt to, new faces,...

Alison McDonald
3 min read
Building Language Over the Christmas Holidays
Week 1: Scavenger Hunts The holidays can be a challenging time. Keeping the children entertained can be exhausting and it can be tempting...
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