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The latest from our team

Alison McDonald
3 min read
5 Ways That Outdoor Play Helps Children Develop Language
Several years ago, a lovely friend of mine took a challenge. She decided that every day, she and her children would spend at least 3...

Alison McDonald
3 min read
5 Things I Learned About Language Barriers After Living in Japan
At the end of last year, my husband Tim and I took 3 months off work and embarked on an adventure to Japan. We volunteered in a local...

Alison McDonald
4 min read
Help! My child is really hard to understand.
‘Help! My child is really hard to understand.’ We hear this sentence a lot as Speech Pathologists. Join us this month as we talk about...

Alison McDonald
2 min read
An Overlooked Toy for Language Development…
One of the most underrated toys that we have to play with our children is one that is adaptable, portable, free and most importantly a...

Alison McDonald
4 min read
Refining Social Skills
Week 1: Look at me when I’m talking! Communication is not only about what is spoken. In fact, more than half of what we communicate is...

Alison McDonald
2 min read
Recasting and why you need to learn it!
This is the last blog in our series on speech development in children. See what other topics we’ve covered to learn more. As we have...

Alison McDonald
3 min read
Getting Right What We Say!
Week 1: “You” Messages This month we’re taking some time to think about some of the things that ‘Big People’ say. The reality is, that...

Alison McDonald
2 min read
Conductive Hearing Loss and What You Need to Know
What does Conductive hearing loss have to do with Speech and Language? As a parent of a preschooler or young school aged child, do you...

Alison McDonald
2 min read
Symptoms of Stuttering
Have you ever found yourself stuck in the middle of a sentence, perhaps repeating the last word you said over and over again while you...

Alison McDonald
3 min read
Learning About Emotions
Week One: Label the emotion When our children are young, they only have two ways to express emotions, smiling and crying! As they grow,...

Alison McDonald
2 min read
What to do if your little one starts stuttering
Last week in our blog, we talked about some of the symptoms of stuttering (also known as stammering or dysfluency). This week we will...

Alison McDonald
3 min read
Getting Ready for Reading
Ready for Reading – Put your feet up and enjoy a book. One of the major ways that children learn is through watching others. They copy...

Alison McDonald
2 min read
This is the third instalment in our series of blogs on children’s speech. Check out our previous blogs on Speech Sound Development and...

Alison McDonald
1 min read
Speech Sound Development
If you’ve ever watched a child learn to speak, you’ll know that they don’t suddenly open their mouths and say “supercalifragilisticexpial...

Alison McDonald
2 min read
Speech and Intelligibility
Intelligibility All this month in our blogs, we’re talking about speech sound disorders. One of the words you’ll hear a lot when talking...

Alison McDonald
3 min read
Planning and Preparing for Preschool
Week 1: What’s for lunch? Starting preschool can be a stressful time for our youngsters. There is a new routine to adapt to, new faces,...

Alison McDonald
3 min read
Building Language Over the Christmas Holidays
Week 1: Scavenger Hunts The holidays can be a challenging time. Keeping the children entertained can be exhausting and it can be tempting...

Alison McDonald
3 min read
Getting Ready for School
Week 1: Constructive Play Play skills are vital for success at school. Children learn so much about others and how to interact with the...

Alison McDonald
3 min read
Getting It Right – Reflections From A Mother Who has Been Right Where You Are
Alison McDonald, Certified Practising Speech Pathologist Being a parent is a tough gig. No one can disagree. Along the journey, we are...

Alison McDonald
2 min read
Using a Variety of Words
Week 1: Names When we’re helping our child learn new words and express themselves, names for things (or nouns) are some of the easiest...
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